Gluten & Faff Free Not Cross Buns- Updated Recipe!
My Gluten Free Not Cross Buns for busy working people
Make this recipe in stages to fit it around work, kids and life!
Step 1
Mix these ingredients together in a bowl:
50g quinoa flour
50g buckwheat flour
1 tbsp psyllium husk
1 tsp mixed spice
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger
50g xylitol
1 x packet Bioreal organic yeast
Add to the bowl:
50g melted organic butter
250ml warm milk (I used almond)
1 egg
Mix together, cover and leave overnight in a warm spot.
Step 2
Add to the bowl the following day:
75g soaked sultanas (soak in water and a cinnamon or ginger teabag for 30 mins)
50g mixed peel
Cover and leave to rise 1-2hrs somewhere warm
Step 3
Put greaseproof paper on two trays
Use a spoon to scoop dough into rounds on tray
Rise again for 20 mins
Bake in oven at 170 for 20-30 minutes (checking after 20)
Happy baking…
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For a Nutritional breakdown of my Gluten Free Bread Recipe and further guidance on getting the best out of your Gut Health when going gluten free, sign up below to receive my Going Gluten Free Guide.