My Story…
With a background in holistic massage therapy and natural healthcare, I initially trained in nutritional therapy so that I could offer a 360 holistic approach to support clients with skin problems and ongoing muscle and joint pain.
I was fully aware of the importance of gut health in overall health and studied nutritional therapy for a number of years, alongside a wealth of nutritional and functional medicine CPD, so I could advance my understanding of the link between the gut and other body systems.
Coincidentally I developed a severe and chronic intestinal parasite during my academic studies (as did my 3 year old son) and ultimately used nutritional therapy to my advantage to win the war in my intestines.
How I got better…
I studied the gut and its ecosystem, expanding my understanding of the gut-brain-axis, gut-skin-axis and gut-muscle-axis as I healed my own gut (and my son’s) alongside my evolving nutritional science and holistic healthcare skills. I learnt and applied into practice how to use food to improve the mood, the power of detox to remove pain from muscles and joints and eliminate parasites efficiently and the result of both to improve the quality of skin cells.
I worked with an excellent infectious disease Consultant under supervised medication cycles to reduce the heavy ‘parasite burden’. I used nutritional therapy to correct nutritional deficiencies affecting my gut function; I rebuilt my gut microbiome (flora), completely reharmonized my gut ecosystem and addressed a number of biochemical imbalances to support my immunity.
Engaging with nature, meditation and mindfulness practices formed an integral element of rewiring my mind and nervous system to recover from the intensity of such an ‘infection’. Outdoor exercise in circuit training helped me build strength and increase my energy levels to keep going.
In the process I made drastic improvements to my mental health, anxiety levels, skin problems and reduced pain and inflammation in my muscles and joints.
Before I’d made the parasite discovery I didn’t understand why I was in so much pain in my muscles and joints despite my dedication to physiotherapy exercises prescribed from an excellent physiotherapist. I couldn’t work out why my body, particularly my appendages were covered in pimples; my mouth had an open wound in the corner, known as ‘angular chelitis’, that would not heal; I felt overwhelmed with stress, anxiety and depression; and I seemed to be developing ongoing gastrointestinal symptoms.
A happier, healthier me…
Being a student of nutritional therapy at the time turned out to be an incredible coincidence, that enabled me to navigate through the journey which was at times unpleasant to the point of devastation. But I learned a lot along the way and from trauma came transformation.
I am much fitter and healthier than I was pre-parasites. Dietary change, detox, fasting, exercise, lifestyle modifications and forest bathing in nature have helped me become a more peaceful version of me. And they can help you too. Using these skills I can support you to build resilience and recover from parasitic worms or other gut problems you may be facing.
Step by step I can help you rebuild your gut ecosystem and move away from the trauma of parasites for good.
Qualifications Summary
dipION Nutritional Therapy
NTEC Cancer: Nutritional Support Before, During & After Treatment
Trauma Informed Coaching - The Chrysalis Effect FHT Accredited
IHS Health & Wellness Coaching
CISN: Sports Nutrition Short Course
ITEC Holistic Massage Therapy
MA Applied Drama: Theatre in Educational, Community & Social Contexts, Goldsmiths
Masters funded by and Alumni of the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
BA Theatre Arts, Education & Deaf Studies (BSL Level 2)
Identifying and Resolving Metabolic Dysfunction & Environmental Toxicity
Optimising Bone Health through Nutrition & Lifestyle
Sustainable Food Choices
Ketogenic & Low Carb Diets
Optimising Nutrition on a Plant-Based Diet
Unravelling IBS and Dysbiosis: Research & Functional Assessment
How to Rapidly Assess a Clients Health and Resilience
Basic Pharmacology and Drug-Nutrient Interactions
Demystifying SIBO
Facial Massage & Skincare
Deep Tissue Massage
Myofascial Release
Warm Bamboo Massage
Ergonomics for Computer Workstation Assessments